I am not one to normally complain in a public forum about career "glitches", but I was so disenchanted this past week that I feel I must vent about it.
Let me set the stage, which is not A-typical in "Short Sale World"....
Long-time Home-Owners, living in picture-perfect Suburbia.
Lived in their family home for 18 years.
Raised their three kids there who are all now young adults.
Husband has been in the Banking Business for many years.
Wife has been a Homemaker and dabbled in various "part-time" ventures for spending money.
Banking crisis...Husband's income is cut by nearly 75% over the course of 3 years.
Wife scrambles to find work, after being out of the work-force for over 20 years.
Wife finds job.
Home-Owners use up all of their Savings, 401k, etc...just to pay their bills.
Wife laid-off due to Company down-sizing. (Last in/First Out)
Home-Owners realize they want to "do the right thing" and try to Short Sale their Home instead of just walking away from it.
Home-Owners List their home with me, via referral from one of our mutual friends.
Buyer loves the Home! Executed Sales Contract!
Fast-forward almost 8 months.....while waiting for the First Lien Holder and Second Lien Holder to approve the Short Sale.
Finally, we get approval from both Lien Holders, who want to Close by the end of the month.
Homeowners son is getting married.
We ask for an extension of EIGHT DAYS to allow the Home-Owners to enjoy their son's wedding and host out of town family in their long-time family home.
I beg & plead with ChaseBank (second lien Holder) to allow extension.
First Lien Holder agrees to extension.
More begging & Pleading with ChaseBank.
Finally get pushed "up" to a Supervisor at ChaseBank.....Ah.!!....Surely, once I explain, I am sure she will see to reason.
(Cue the violins....)
Supervisor tells me that if we do NOT Close by the end of the month, she is disapproving their aforementioned approval.
No exceptions.
No excuses.
No way.
No compassion.
No empathy.
....and I try one last time to plead my Clients case,after all, this is a Relationship business, to which I am told:
"ChaseBank is not in the Relationship Business, we are in the Banking Business."
That's the sound of my scissors cutting my Chase Platinum card in two.
Guess what, ChaseBank, Supervisor???
I AM in the Relationship business.
Get in touch with Joe Jordan from The Mortgage Firm
Joe straps on his red cape.
Joe saves the deal., along with help from the Selling Agent, Adolfo Pereira with Dover International Realty.
Buyer agrees to let Home-Owner stay in his new home long enough to enjoy the wedding and move out calmly after the festivities.
Husband loses his job one day prior to Closing.
Selling Agent, Joe Jordan, THE NEW BUYER and I all chip in to help the Home-Owners with their Closing Fee.
I watch as the Home-Owners pass along their treasured home to the new Buyers.
Wife smiles and says how much it means to her that they are "nice people".
Home_Owners are worried about the one large Koi fish left in the pond.
They want to be sure he'll be fed.
New Owners reassure them and tell them that they will take care of him.
That's the sound of a tear hitting the keyboard.
Yes, I AM in the Relationship Business.
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